Monday, September 03, 2007

Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus

we hope for better things; it will arise from the ashes

its finally over
its over its over its over its over its over

Saturday, August 11, 2007

come pick me up, ive landed

the power to walk away.
i have such a longing for home, in all situations.. the apartment, carousel, kzoo... and the need to start all over and create a new one.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

throw it all around, like its nothing special, just a sound

it's funny how you can give words of comfort, words to empower another, in hopes of them realizing the light and hold on for one more day... when all seems abandoned and they have lost the last little glittering speck of hope, just a simple gesture of kindness or a few meaningful sentences letting them know they are worth the fight because
they are
who they are
and that alone should be enough- they have worth and they are beautiful.
they take that with them, let it sink in, and have a wonderful self realization at some point down the road that turns over a new leaf and life becomes okay again. one step in front of the other...

unfortunately, you yourself dont believe in a damn word you just said.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

open up the book you beat me with again

Open up the book you beat me with again.
Read it off one sentence at a time.
I'm tired of all the lines,
Convictions and your lies.
What right do you have to point at me?

Well, I'm sitting alone thinking about it all over coffee.
And still crowdin' my space are the things you still hold against me.
You cannot save me.