Monday, August 08, 2005

and i cant even really believe, no one was sent to get me...

I went to a picnic yesterday. I was told by a mentally retarded guy that I looked like Kelly Bundy, from Married With Children. I don't know if he meant to say Christina Applegate or really Kelly Bundy. I'm just hoping it wasnt Kelly from the early 80s. Needless to say, I didn't have a spandex dress on or bangs that could touch the ceiling. I think my long, straight, blonde hair was really the only match for a Kelly Bundy comparison. *shrugs*
When I was 13, a 30ish guy was trying to hit on me in Marvelous Marvin's Mechanical Museum. He told me I looked like Kim Basinger. He then inserted a quarter into a touch screen game that you would usually find in a bar, and wanted me to play a round with him. However, I think the options screen confused him because instead of selecting the game *for guys* where you would get a woman in a bikini to look at with a trivia question underneath, he chose "guys" and ended up with guys laying around in thong swimsuits on beaches. He then just looked really confused, mumbled something about the game being broken and stumbled off, to masturbate furiously in the mens room- for all I know...
When I was 14, my then bf told me I kinda looked like Kate Moss. However, I didn't subsequently starve myself to keep that look. Or, more realistically, I never really looked like Kate Moss.
I think that's everyone I've been compared to. At least, thats all I can remember.
Any others you can think of? (referring to the 2 people that *might* read this, that know me...)


Joseph said...

I told you once your eyes reminded me of Claire Forlani.

I love Claire Forlani.

M R C said...

I remember that, too. I didn't think it would count tho because it's just eyes, and not overall face/appearance. Which reminds me when I was 16, I was working, and some guy came over to tell me "wow, you have really pretty eyes!" I said thanks, and he walked away. Made my day. ;) (Hopefully, it was the day after when the one guy asked me if I was a girl.) :|