Saturday, October 22, 2005

if the silence takes you than i hope it takes me too

getting an apartment here is almost as fun as watching your dog get run over by a truck.
hopefully NOW we will find out on monday if we have the go ahead for moving in on the 1st.
if not... i may have to slink my way back into kalamazoo.
do you ever want to just kick someone in the head because they talk to much? (i know youre nodding). why do the stories have to revolve around them? and, when you have an anecdote to add to the conversation, they cut you off before you even get to the relevant part to refocus the attention onto them. *slams head on desk
thanksgiving is on sunday. but, its october you say?
welcome to my mom's house. holidays are very flexible here. there will be 25 people in my house that day, if i counted correctly. if its going well or not, i'll be out of there at 7:45 to go to work. i think by that time i'll have had enough of the 7 kids...

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